Monday, August 29, 2022

Quarter 1 Week 4

3rd Grade (our first vocabulary practice logs, Greek myth)

This week (Wednesday and Thursday) I'll be sending home letters with the 3rd graders to explain our vocabulary practice logs. You can also find the letter here. I'll also be giving the students their first vocabulary practice logs. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me.

Other than that, we're starting to learn about the Titanomachia, the ancient Greek story of the War of the Titans.

4th Grade (test this week, crossword puzzle homework, vocab practice logs due)

The 4th graders will have their first vocabulary test on Wednesday (4A and 4C) and Thursday (4B and 4D). I'm spending Monday and Tuesday preparing them for it. I'm also sending home a crossword puzzle as a study guide. Students need to write in the Latin word for the corresponding English clues.

Our first vocabulary practice logs are due this week. If your scholar lost his or her copy, you can download a new one here, or just write me note that says how many times in the last three weeks your scholar practiced their Latin vocabulary for at least 5 minutes.

5th Grade (coming to end of chapter 1)

In 5th grade we're finishing up chapter 1 in our textbooks, and my sense is that all the students are doing really well. We will have our first vocabulary test next week (9/8 for 5B and 5D, and 9/9 for 5A and 5C). That is also the day that our first vocabulary practice logs will be due.

6th Grade (imperfect tense, preparing for 6.1.1 test)

We're continuing to review verbs, turning our focus to the imperfect tense. We're making notes in class, and I am giving your scholars another review worksheet for homework (replacement copies can be downloaded here). We will have our first vocabulary test next week (9/8 for 6B and 6D, and 9/9 for 6A and 6C). That is also the day that our first vocabulary practice logs will be due.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Quarter 1 Week 2

 This week is partially interrupted by MAP testing (I won't see 5C, 5D, 3B, 3A, 4B, or - probably - 4A on Monday or Tuesday). However, I think I've managed to move things around so that we can more or less stay on schedule. Regardless, none of the scholars will miss any of the things they love in Latin.

All Grades

Virtue Chants - This year, we're learning a new kind of chant ... well, actually a series of new chants. We are going to be learning Roman proverbs or quotes from Roman authors about the virtue of the month and adding these Latin sayings to our daily chant routine. The first quote is from Cicero, and it is about the virtue of responsibility (in Latin, officium) - non nobis solum nati sumus ("Not for ourselves only were we born"). Ask your scholar about it later this week and see if he or she can recite it or show you the motions that go with it.

Latin Dictionaries - Especially in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades (we have less opportunity to use it in 3rd), I urge all of you to get for your scholar a Latin dictionary. A Latin dictionary is a classic to keep, one of the fundamental tools of the budding Latinist and something they can use from now on. I recommend either the Collins Latin Concise Dictionary or the Pocket Oxford Latin Dictionary, but anything that has both a Latin-to-English and an English-to-Latin section will do. Check out Half-Price Books' "Languages" section and see if they don't have one lying on their Latin shelf (there's usually one or two).

Vocabulary Practice Logs - Third grade hasn't received their first one, yet, so this pertains mainly to 4th-6th grades. These practice logs are mandatory and worth several homework grades. It came to my attention today that some of the students were under the impression that these were optional. They are not optional. They will get failing homework grades if they do not study at home, get parent signatures, and turn them in to me when they are due.

3rd Grade

We're making our first flashcards this week for a short list (LL 1.1). Next week, I'll send home a letter about vocabulary practice logs, and we will get started practicing two nights a week (5 minutes of vocabulary practice will qualify for a signature from you). Students can begin practicing the LL 1.1 list on Quizlet, even if we're not getting signatures, yet. More on Quizlet when you receive the letter from menext week.

Later this week, I'll be telling the 3rd graders about one of the Greek creation stories, introducing them to Ouranos, Gaia, and the Titan Cronus.

4th Grade

In 4th grade we are continuing to review chapter 1 of Lingua Latina. Fourth graders need to keep practicing the 4.1.1 vocabulary list either with the flashcards we made in class or with Quizlet, and make sure your scholars are getting signatures from you on the log sheets. Those log sheets will be due next week (Wednesday 8/31 for 4A and 4C, or Thursday 9/1 for 4B and 4D), to be turned in to me in class and not to their homeroom teacher (if they do turn it in to their homeroom teacher, it will be okay).

Next week, on the day that the vocabulary practice logs are due, we are having our first vocabulary test. It will be a matching test taken using a Zipgrade bubble sheet. Usually, we will take the class session before a test to review with a vocabulary game (such as Euge!). However, in order to keep us on schedule with our review texts, we will be reviewing the vocabulary as we read and listen to texts from Lingua Latina chapter 1. After the test, I will tell the 4th graders about the Greek hero Perseus.

5th Grade

The 5th graders have now been introduced to their Latin textbooks. They know that there are four required materials without which they will receive a materials infraction:

  • their textbook,
  • their Latin binder,
  • their flashcards,
  • and a pencil.

I also want them to have a Latin dictionary, but I will not be giving them an infraction for the lack of one. 

Fifth graders should keep practicing the 5.1.1 list flashcards and getting signatures from you on their vocabulary practice logs. Fifth grade practice logs are due either Thursday 9/8 (5B and 5D) or Friday 9/9 (5A and 5C), to be turned in to me in class and not to their homeroom teacher (again, if they do turn it in to their homeroom teacher, it will be okay). On that day, we will have our first vocabulary test of the year. More on that in the coming weeks.

6th Grade

We are continuing our lightning review of what we learned last year, starting with the present tense. Monday and Tuesday they are receiving a short worksheet with a bubble answer sheet for homework. They can get a signature on their vocabulary practice logs for completing this (not all homework will qualify for a double dip, but this one will). The worksheet is due this Wednesday 8/24 (6B, 6D) or Thursday 8/25 (6A, 6C).

Sixth graders should keep practicing the 6.1.1 list flashcards and getting signatures from you on their vocabulary practice logs. Sixth grade practice logs are due either Thursday 9/8 (6B and 6D) or Friday 9/9 (6A and 6C), to be turned in to me in class and not to their homeroom teacher (again, if they do turn it in to their homeroom teacher, it will be okay). On that day, we will have our first vocabulary test of the year. More on that in the coming weeks.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Annum discendi novum bonum!

Salvete, discipuli discipulae parentesque!

It's another new year of learning, and it's going to be a good! I can feel it in my bones.

Vocabulary Practice Logs

By now, parents of 4th through 6th graders should already have received a letter from me explaining how our primary ongoing homework assignment - vocabulary practice logs - will work. If you have not yet reviewed that letter and sent back to me the signed slip at the bottom of the letter, please take some time to do so now. Your scholars and I need your help to keep them on track in their Latin practice at home, which is a key component of success in language. We are partners in the philological success of your scholars.

In case you do not have the letter, you can view it here.

Parents of 3rd graders, feel free to read the letter as well, though I will be sending home to you a modified form of it in the coming weeks. We will start vocabulary practice logs after I send this letter home to you with your scholars.

Scholars in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades are receiving this week their first vocabulary lists and vocabulary practice logs. Very soon I will have links to these documents on this site, so check back soon. I am giving the scholars permission to make their first set of flashcards at home, dividing them up over two nights and earning two signatures on their practice logs for this week.

The first vocabulary lists of the year are largely (if not exclusively) review, so it is likely that your scholars have flashcards from previous years for these words. If you scholars want to locate these flashcards and include them in their current set, I am happy for that time spent to qualify for a signature on their practice log.

Remember that one signature a week can be earned by watching Latin music videos on my YouTube channel, "Dr. Lee's Latin Class".

Quarter 1 Schedules

Later this week I will post syllabi with schedules of due dates for assignments and tests. So again, check back here in a day or so.

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About Quizlet for GHNO Latin Scholars

Using Quizlet to Practice Latin Vocabulary This year, I would like to utilize Quizlet sets to help the scholars learn their vocabulary in ...