Monday, August 29, 2022

Quarter 1 Week 4

3rd Grade (our first vocabulary practice logs, Greek myth)

This week (Wednesday and Thursday) I'll be sending home letters with the 3rd graders to explain our vocabulary practice logs. You can also find the letter here. I'll also be giving the students their first vocabulary practice logs. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me.

Other than that, we're starting to learn about the Titanomachia, the ancient Greek story of the War of the Titans.

4th Grade (test this week, crossword puzzle homework, vocab practice logs due)

The 4th graders will have their first vocabulary test on Wednesday (4A and 4C) and Thursday (4B and 4D). I'm spending Monday and Tuesday preparing them for it. I'm also sending home a crossword puzzle as a study guide. Students need to write in the Latin word for the corresponding English clues.

Our first vocabulary practice logs are due this week. If your scholar lost his or her copy, you can download a new one here, or just write me note that says how many times in the last three weeks your scholar practiced their Latin vocabulary for at least 5 minutes.

5th Grade (coming to end of chapter 1)

In 5th grade we're finishing up chapter 1 in our textbooks, and my sense is that all the students are doing really well. We will have our first vocabulary test next week (9/8 for 5B and 5D, and 9/9 for 5A and 5C). That is also the day that our first vocabulary practice logs will be due.

6th Grade (imperfect tense, preparing for 6.1.1 test)

We're continuing to review verbs, turning our focus to the imperfect tense. We're making notes in class, and I am giving your scholars another review worksheet for homework (replacement copies can be downloaded here). We will have our first vocabulary test next week (9/8 for 6B and 6D, and 9/9 for 6A and 6C). That is also the day that our first vocabulary practice logs will be due.

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About Quizlet for GHNO Latin Scholars

Using Quizlet to Practice Latin Vocabulary This year, I would like to utilize Quizlet sets to help the scholars learn their vocabulary in ...