Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Quarter 2, Week 1

Q2 Vocabulary Practice Log # 1

All grades (3-6) currently have vocabulary practice logs that the students (with few exception) should have received before Fall Break. The due date for this vocab practice log is 11/2 (for A and C sections) or 11/3 (for B and D sections). I am checking with the students this week to make sure they have the logs and understand the due date. For perfect homework grades, I am looking for 6 signatures from 3rd grade and 9 signature from grades 4-6. There are also extra credit spaces on the vocab practice log for signatures beyond the 6 or 9.

Q2 Vocabulary Tests

The students know this (and we are reviewing it in class), but on the day the vocab practice logs are due we will have our next test (for grades 4-6; no tests in 3rd grade, at least not until Q4). Our test dates for this quarter (pending final approval from the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade teams) are 11/2-11/3 and 12/8-12/9.

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About Quizlet for GHNO Latin Scholars

Using Quizlet to Practice Latin Vocabulary This year, I would like to utilize Quizlet sets to help the scholars learn their vocabulary in ...